
5 Things You Need To Know About Chemical Storage Cabinets

Chemicals are not ordinary liquids you can store in whatever type of container you find nor can place them wherever there is free space. They are fluids with certain properties that react to various conditions and can alter the composition of whatever they get in touch with.

Some chemicals are even poisonous and can cause severe damage if not handled properly. That is why it is recommended to have them safely stored out of people’s reach in suitable chemical storage cabinets and to have specially trained personnel handling them when needed. After all, that is why chemistry is a separate science that only chemists are proficient at, right?


If you need to get safety cabinets for storing your chemicals, here are 5 things to keep in mind.

  1. Before storing acids, you have to classify them first.
  • Inorganic or mineral acids: hydrochloric, sulfuric and nutric acids;
  • Organic: acetic acid for instance;
  • Flammable acids.
  1. Almost all acids are always supplied as aqueous solutions, which means the higher the concentration of the acid, the bigger the potential for fumes. This can result in high corrosion, so have this in mind when choosing acid storage cabinets.
  2. Acids are highly reactive with other chemicals and problems can easily occur. To prevent this from happening, when you get the chemical storage cabinets, always refer to the material safety data sheet for directions regarding how to store acids and how to properly handle them.
  3. Once you determine the nature of your acids, the level of corrosiveness, and how much storage space you have, you can choose from various types of suitable storage options. For mildly corrosive acids, choose containers with little metal components where corrosion will be limited. For acids that are a lot stronger, meaning highly corrosive, choose containers that are made of materials without any metals to corrode.
  1. Before you purchase a chemical storage cabinet, consider the requirements for the interior furniture. This way you will know how many cabinets will perfectly fit in the room and will be effectively used. It is advisable that case cabinets are ventilated from time to time. Some acid fumes are corrosive which is why they need to have contact with oxygen. For this purpose you can consider storing them on a shelving system or with drawers that can easily be pulled out when needed.

In conclusion, safety in various labs or other factories where employees work with hazardous substances like acids and other chemicals, must always be a priority. Therefore, choosing the right chemical storage cabinet, installing them properly and having proper personnel to handle them is more than important – it is a criteria that has to be met for safe and effective working.